Averageshot DIY KYL Rack - MDT Mentions

Posted by Eric Drake on 2024 Jul 30th

Averageshot DIY KYL Rack - MDT Mentions

In the recent video,“Erik Cortina inspired KYL rack,” YouTuber “Averageshot” and his friend build a “Know your limits” (KYL) target rack. The steel plates on Averageshot’s KYL rack are ordered left to right, from the largest to the smallest. Often used by Professional shooter Erik Cortina, KYL racks are beginning to rise in popularity among new and experienced shooters.

Starting the video, Averageshot meets his friend and sees his home built KYL rack for the first time. The duo is excited to hit the range and test out their build. The feeling of excitement between the two is palpable. The KYL rack is set up on one end of a large clearing, and the shooters set up 446 Yards away atop a pickup truck. Averageshot sets up his spotting scope with a Trigger Cam to provide a live view of the targets as shots are sent downrange by his friend.

More: DIY $6 Target Stands

Standing in the back of the pickup truck, the shooter uses the roof of his truck as a rest for his rifle. The rifle is equipped with an MDT ACC Elite Chassis that allows bipod compatibility, which is ideal in this shooting position, providing more stability than non-supported shooting positions.

Averageshot then shows his spotting scope Trigger Cam feed with consecutive impacts on the first four targets on the homebuilt KYL rack. After the fourth target, the final two steel plates are tougher to hit, and misses are recorded.

More: Eric Cortina 7 Odd Accuracy Secrets

This video demonstrates the purpose of a KYL rack and its benefits. Once a shooter starts missing, the shooter and spotter slow down to problem-solve by making holdover, windage, and elevation adjustments.

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